Sunday, December 03, 2006


Hey everybody, here's some pics of the snow that buried our yard and property over six inches deep in several places. It was amazing, beautiful, a nuisance, and the most snow we have ever seen outside of Big Bear in Cali. We have been practically snowed in since Thursday night. Dad was about the only one who could get out until last night. WOW! The bummer thing was that Mom didn't give anybody a snow day! LOL : )

Go grab a blanket and a mug of cocoa and enjoy the pics below! : )

Mike enjoyed the snow (even if Mom didn't enjoy cleaning him up afterwards! : )

Our poor little saplings in the front yard.

This is our driveway on day two (Friday) after Dad had left for work.

Isn't this shot beautiful? I really liked the contrasts of black and white.

Hope everyone's well...God bless...Stephen for the Fam

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